Get Relief from Spring Allergies!

Spring is here, flowers in our beautiful Northern California are blooming and the grasses and weeds are growing.  However, along with this comes allergy season.  Some of the common symptoms are sneezing, runny nose, congestion, puffy eyes and itching. The best way to confirm if you are suffering from allergies is to get allergy tested for the common pollen triggers in our area. Mulberry, cedar, birch, oak, and grasses such as bermuda and rye are local powdery light pollens that are easily blown around in the wind which is then inhaled.

The best way to avoid these triggers is to limit your outdoor exposure.  Keep your house windows and car windows closed.  Pollen levels are highest in the late afternoon and early evening, so if you need to be outdoors try to do it first thing in the morning. Wear an N95 mask, shower, wash your hair and change your clothes after being outside. Regularly changing your HVAC filters, regular vacuuming and using an air purifier can help reduce some of your symptoms.

If you are tired of suffering from allergy symptoms and over the counter medications are not helping, consult with your Primary Care Physician to see if you can get a referral to ENT Center of Excellence.

Dr. Gary Buxa M.D. and Dr. Richard Bergstrom M.D.... They are here to bring you relief.  After diagnosis, they will customize a 3-5 year treatment plan to meet your individual needs. Immunotherapy allows the body to get used to allergens and stops your body from reacting to them.  The treatment is injections once a week.  The program decreases your immune responses to the allergens, allowing you to enjoy the outdoors!