Improving Voice and Throat Disorders

There are a variety of medical conditions that can contribute to voice and throat problems. Common complaints are hoarseness, vocal difficulties, tonsillitis, voice changes which affect the ability to communicate. Our ENT Doctors are specialists in improving or correcting many of these difficulties such as:

  • Acute or Chronic Laryngitis

  • Cancer of the Throat

  • Hoarseness

  • Swallowing Disorders

  • Reflux Disease (LPRD)

  • Tonsillitis (age limits apply)

  • Vocal Cord Nodules

  • Vocal Cord Problems or Paralysis

Symptoms of Throat and Voice Disorders

If you’ve experienced pain when swallowing, or difficulty speaking, you may need a professional Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor to check for any underlying causes. Sometimes all a person notices are hoarseness, coughing, itching in the throat or an on-going sore throat. If these symptoms persist for more than 2 weeks, it is recommended you see your Doctor for a more thorough examination. You may be referred to ENT Center of Excellence for a more comprehensive evaluation. Our ENT Specialists may use in-office testing to get a more accurate diagnosis.