Don’t Let a Blocked Nose Block Your Lifestyle!

If you are dealing with a constant ‘stuffy nose’ and it’s making your life miserable, it’s time to find out if VivAer is the answer you’ve been hoping for! At ENT Center of Excellence in Redding, CA, Dr. Buxa and Dr. Bergstrom have been using the most innovative and latest technology to help people get dramatic improvement in being able to breathe through their nose again!

Get Lasting Relief in an Office Visit at ENT Center of Excellence

Some patients respond well to medications, and some can benefit from an invasive surgery. However, medications might only offer temporary relief, and surgery isn’t always the best option for every patient. With VivAer, patients can get significant, lasting relief with a non-invasive, office-friendly treatment.

What Causes Nasal Airway Obstruction?

NAO is caused by an anatomical narrowing or blockage in the nasal airway that can hinder airflow and make it feel difficult or nearly impossible to breathe through your nose. People with nasal airway obstruction talk about feeling “blocked,” congested, or stuffy nearly all the time. Home remedies and medications can offer some temporary comfort, but for those struggling with chronic nasal obstruction, remodeling the nasal airway is a proven way to find lasting relief.

How Effective is VivAer Treatment?

In clinical studies, VivAer demonstrated long-lasting results through the study duration of 4 years. At four years, patients in the study were consistently satisfied with the results of their treatment:

  • 96% of patients experienced significant improvement in nasal breathing

  • 93% of patients improved their ability to get air through their nose during exercise or exertion

  • 96% of patients reported getting a better night’s sleep

Who is a good candidate for VivAer Treatment?

If you respond well to either breathing strips, nasal dilators, or have a NOSE Score of 55 or higher you may be a good candidate for VivAer Treatment.  (**See PDF below for description of NOSE Score).

However, given everyone’s needs and nasal anatomy are unique, the best way to find out if treatment can help is by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Buxa and Dr. Bergstrom at ENT Center of Excellence in Redding, CA.  Call ENT Center of Excellence today to find out more.