
Is it Difficult to Breathe through Your Nose?

Is it Difficult to Breathe through Your Nose?

If you’re over 65 and struggle to breathe through your nose, you may be one of the millions living with nasal airway obstruction. Is mouth breathing really that bad? It can be, especially for older adults. Mouth breathing is often a sign of nasal airway obstruction (NAO), a common condition that makes it difficult to breathe properly through one’s nose. When left untreated, it can impact quality of life and health.

Breathe Better with VivAer

Breathe Better with VivAer

Breathing is a basic human function that we often take for granted. But for those with Nasal Airway Obstruction (NAO), the simple act of breathing can be a challenge. NAO is a condition that obstructs the nasal passage, making it difficult to breathe freely through the nose. Common causes of NAO include nasal polyps, a deviated septum, and other factors.

Are You Dealing with Nasal Airway Obstruction?

Are You Dealing with Nasal Airway Obstruction?

Are you having trouble breathing out of your nose?
Breathing is essential for human survival, and when we can’t breathe properly, it impacts our overall health and wellbeing. Nasal Airway Obstruction (NAO) is a relatively common condition that can cause difficulty breathing through the nose and lead to a host of complications.